Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The End of Another Year
September brought friends to us, sickness to us and a much needed get away for Kevin and I. November brought a lengthy virus for my hubby- in which I took the liberty to find a few more appraisers to help with the workload. We now have 7 appraisers that work for MWAS and we do appraisals in Columbus, Cincinnati, Cleveland and Dayton ~ and we are still looking to hire on more. We are thankful for the extra good hands that the Lord has provided to help us with this overflow of orders~ He is Our Provider!
November also took us to Kokomo for Thanksgiving. Seeing lots of family on my mom's side where my kids have 3 great-grandparents! Shopped all day Friday with my mom~ a day I look forward to all year ~ My mom and shopping~ It's really a perfect day (except for the getting up at 3:30am). Thankfully we were able to fit all my new Christmas treasures in the van to bring home...it was tight, but we did it!
December now brings us into the Christmas mode around here. The tree, decorations and lights are up. The temperatures have finally started dropping. Christmas music is being played on the I-pods, MP3's and radio's. Pictures are being taken so that cards can be ordered. Lines and songs are being memorized for a church Christmas Play (A King is Coming to Town). Parties, get togethers and singing in the nursing home, as well as gifts for the homeless are all events on the calendar.
Zach recently wrote an article for the Homeschool newsletter about ways to keep Christ in Christmas. His number one way to keep Christ in Christmas was to invite Jesus into our everyday lives and purposely find ways to show His love to others. This Christmas I am committing to do just this ~ ON PURPOSE!
We are also excited to start "Adorenaments" by FamilyLife. We are going to spread it out over the 12 days leading up to Christmas Day.
Looking forward to sharing His love on purpose ~ slowing down just a bit to celebrate and adore Christ the Lord!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
November 4th,2009
The kids are still sleeping in after 2 nights back in their beds. After a week of company and sickness, then a week at Nana and Pappy's with a sleepover at Uncle Matt's and Aunt Liz's they are just tired out.
Rachel and Abby have a new found love for cheerleading and cheerleading outfits....we have watched many "shows" recently and they have spent the better part of the past 2 days in cheerleading outfits.
Zach is busy doing school and catching up on a book that he needs to read for a book report. The DVD class is going to start writing their report during tomorrow's lesson. He has a crossword to finish putting together for our homeschool group newsletter. He also loves to play those facebook games.....drives me crazy, but he had time to read 2 chapters of the Boxcar Children to his sisters last night before watching The Biggest Loser (another one of his addictions- he's a funny kid).
Jord is working hard on her Spanish and American History classes for homeschool group as well as reading Heidi - her Nana gave her the book on this last visit. She is preparing for her first book report.....it will be a much longer process than Zach's.
Rachel is trying to memorize all of those special phonics sounds.....1st grade is a BIG phonics year with alot of exceptions to the "rules". Lots to memorize. Adding/Subtracting and Reading. She pulled out a book to read at my mom and dad's and I thought that she wouldn't be able to read it, but she did and she did it well!
Abby is Abby......she colors, cuts and glues. Lovingly tortures the bunny and keeps us laughing. ABC's are now becoming interesting to her....been waiting for this. Just the other day she told Rachel how to spell her name - didn't know that she knew that!
We have lots of work to do before the next break @ Thanksgiving.......
Other updates:
- Kids are working on a Christmas play for church. Z and J both have bigger parts and J sings a song by herself
- MWAS is back on an upswing....have put an add out there to hire on appraisers again.
- I think it's great that my kids ASK to go see Uncle Jim in the nursing home....went today and they always say that they have a good time when they visit him. (Rach and Abby do not go anymore since a couple ladies like to follow them around and try to get their hands on them while making crazy sounds, but Zach and Jord still ask to go)
Looks like it's going to be a nice, sunny weekend.....and there is nothing on the schedule!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Just Had to See the Folks!
So October starts out with a trip to Indiana.....the rest of the month is going to be busy. No slow down yet. We are busy doing as much school as possible, even working weekends. We have birthdays to celebrate this month (Great Grandpa Hall -99 and Papaw Brown - 70) ,the Hutsells are coming back around October 20th and then the kids are going to my parents for a long weekend starting on the 28th, while Kevin and I go to a weekend retreat. We will miss quite a few days of school over the last 2 weeks of October so we are really pacing ourselves now to get as much done as possible!
Can't stay on here too long....lots to do. Love the Fall season, love my family, love my friends, love getting away with my husband.....and this month will be filled with all those things!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Enjoy the pictures!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Most of you may know of our neighbors (who moved in 2005 to Arkansas) here on Kellerman Ct. that remain dear friends of ours....the Hutsells. Back on the 27th of August Keith Hutsell flew into town to pick up a 15 passenger van. We went to dinner with him (Skyline of course) and had joked about sending Zach home with him for the week since they had already made plans to come to Cincy and Columbus over the Labor Day holiday. Well, our thoughts turned serious after speaking with Melissa and agreeing that an opportunity like this may never come up again. So, we packed Zach up and he left Friday morning with Mr. Hutsell and headed to Arkansas to spend the week with his best friends ever.....that was a long week for us. We missed him around here ALOT! He helps me do so many things around the house and helps with the girls when we go places and he helps me load and unload the car (like on homeschool group days or grocery trips). We missed his singing and carrying on about the latest Tim Hawkins video and even his silliness and teasing with the girls. Jord and Rach took turns sleeping in his bed and Jord cried everytime she spoke with him on the phone. The Hutsells headed back this way on Friday the 4th and we headed to Cincinnati to meet them. We stopped in Jeffersonville for an inspection and the outlet malls (found some great deals) then on to our hotel. They arrived around 11pm and we had our boy back. The Hutsells went on to visit family in Cincy for the weekend and we headed home on Sat. We spent the weekend sprucing up the yard and house getting ready for the Hutsells to descend up on us Monday evening. They are spending the week with us and we are enjoying every loud and crazy minute of it.
I've spent the past 3 weeks or so going thru every room in the house....taking everything out, rearranging and getting rid of lots and lots of "STUFF" I am happy to say that every nook and cranny of this house has been cleaned! Now we can settle down and start school.....after the Hutsells leave of course. I don't think I have ever started this late. Although we did go into the 3rd week of June before we stopped for the summer.
Other updates:
- Rachel lost her first tooth.....it was very dramatic!
- We still haven't bought a new vehicle....still saving up the cash!
- Homeschool group has started:
- Z - World Missions & Journalism/Writing
- J - Spanish & American History
- R - Choir & Earth Science
- A- 2's & 3's class: butterflies, astronauts, post office and lots of crafts and games
- This year we are doing 7th grade, 4th grade, 1st grade and some Pre-K.
The fall holds lots of activities, fun and work. So glad to be serving Him while serving this family, my church and homeschool group. May the Lord just grant a little more "down time" in the next coming months and bless us as we start school.
Oh and Happy Birthday to my dad......Love you dad!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Jesus' Blood Tastes Good
I can't believe it's been almost a month since I have blogged, but Summer has been busy.......here are some updates:
- Went to Indiana for the 4th of July
- My mom came home with us for the week.....went to zoo, shopping, movies....
- Went to King's Island with my mom and dad -MET DORA!
- Went camping in Delaware, Ohio (took boat, but rained and rained....never got on the water)
- Went camping at Tar Hollow with homeschool group
- VBS at church
Now that August is here it's time to concentrate on getting back to school.....I always start by cleaning out the house....not sure why, but closets, basement, garage....all those places have to be cleaned out....rooms rearranged.....I guess I don't do Spring cleaning....I do Back to School cleaning.
Hope you're having a great summer!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Happy Birthday Jordy-jo!
I was due around the 20th of July, but my doctor believed that Jordy was already a good 8 lbs on a visit that I had, I believe on/around the 9th of July. Remembering back to Zach's delivery, she suggested a scheduled induction on the 13th. I joyfully agreed, thinking, this is going to be so easy compared to Zach. I had expectations of this happening so quick, but it was so NOT quick! I was at the hospital early, 6am, I think. Signed in and in a room by 7am, IV's in and drugs entering my system by 7:45.....anytime now....labor would start. Time and hours passed and .......nothing.......no contractions.......nothing. More drugs....sit on a big huge bouncy ball.....water breaks.....and now contractions are coming......very painful (intensified by the heavy amount of pitocin).....need epidural......very painful, but no drugs in the epidural because it might slow down the very intense pitocin induced labor that is finally happening.....did I say that the contractions were painful......finally get to the pushing part and I am screaming for something in the epidural.....which I get and now I can't feel my legs or anything from the waist down.....have no idea when to push, gets crazy confusing and I'm shaking all over, then I see this baby with tons of dark, black hair. They put her in my arms, but I am shaking so bad that I can hardly hold on to her.....Kevin takes her and holds her until they take her to the nursery. Come to find out that the hospital had so many deliveries that day that I (and others) had to share a room and they were running so slow in the nursery. Hours passed and I couldn't stand it anymore. I made Kevin go and get her....."Don't come back without her and come back SOON!" I did not get enough time to hold her earlier. He came back with her and I kept her with me all night. I loved all of her hair (Zach was bald until he was about 1). She was precious....and alot more pain than I thought she would be, but it was all worth it.......born at 8:52pm, 8.5 lbs. and beautiful!
Love you Jordy Taylor and I can't wait to see all that the Good Lord has planned for your life!
Video of Jordy singing @ my moms & dads church.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Happy Birthday Big Z (formerly Zachy-pooh-bear)
Remembering back 12 years ago today.....the story actually starts a few days earlier when on July 4th I was sure I was in labor. My mom was with Kevin and I in our little condo awaiting this baby's arrival (she had already been there a few days because he was due and now I was about a week late, so surely any day, right?) We logged the minutes and grew discouraged when they started becoming farther and farther apart.....oh well! A few days went by and another doctor's appt on the 7th......anytime now she says........headed to bed that night around midnight and when I pottied I noticed a glop of gross stuff in the toilet, immediately followed by a very sharp pain that took my breath away......and we were back downstairs, mom with her notebook and Kevin with a pillow, laying on the floor. This was it, this was labor, progressively getting more painful and closer together at the same time....yeah and oh no at the same time!
By 6am....we were 3 minutes apart and headed to the hospital. I was screaming in pain by the time they placed me in a room, with a "fairly" new nurse who couldn't get an IV in me....after multiple tries and me now crying and screaming the head nurse comes in, gets the IV in right away and before you know it, I'm sleeping (a very big dose of Nubain - thank you). After a few hours of rest and relaxing, an epidural that I don't even remember getting, we were ready to get this all going again, my water was broken and I'm beginning to feel the contractions coming again. All is going well, his head is out, but......we can't seem to get the rest of him out, what's the problem? His shoulders are broad and STUCK! Options....C-section or "tear me apart" getting him out! Well, I did NOT have a C-section! Thanks Big Guy! Very painful, lots of screaming, Kevin almost fainted and a nurses were holding my legs and laying across my stomach helping to get this stuck baby out! Ok, have to stop, the memories are making me cringe! He was 9 lbs 7 ounces and the biggest baby in the nursery!
He was such a sweet baby who loved to laugh and giggle, he slept well, ate well and had a little bit of a temper. He walked early, talked early and has been talking ever since. Some family members say that he reminds them of Kevin when he was little, always talking, telling jokes, making up stories and teasing his sisters. (Kevin has one sister and she remembers well). I wish I knew with Zach what I knew by the time I had Abby, his infancy would have been different, but you always have to start somewhere and God knew that he would be a good one for Kevin and I to learn with and grow with, now we are charting new territory with him.....so pray for him, pray for us....that he will become the man that God wants Him to be, that He will follow the plan that God has for his life.
Love you Big Z! Happy Birthday!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Happy Birthday Rachy-lou!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Busy Summer, Busy Life
Baseball updates:
- our favorite time of year (baseball season) is almost over.....bummer!
- Jordy made a TRIPLE play, yes a TRIPLE play.....with runners on first and second, she caught the ball, (batter - 1 out), the runner on 1st had ran to 2nd without tagging up first so Jordy ran to first tagged the base ( 2outs), the runner on 2nd had taken off to 3rd, not paying attention to what had just happened and was happily standing on 3rd base, when coaches start yelling @ the girl to head back to 2nd, Jordy took off toward 2nd base, beat the girl there for the 3rd out and the inning was over! I don't even think her teammates even realized what was happening or were paying that close attention so J just handled it all herself.
- Rachel has been hitting the coach-pitched balls and rarely ever needs a T now! She is still quite aloof in the outfield and likes to play in the dirt, but she's having fun. She also doesn't like to run fast, she says it makes her tired!
- Zach is doing well, still wearing a splint but is hitting his fair share of singles and doubles and he is a great fielder. He has made many nice infield plays and even has done some pitching.
- Kevin and I enjoy watching the games and getting away from home and office....
- We DON'T like the "porc-a-potty's" and Abby always has to go because she's a drinkaholic! (one game she went 4x - one poop and 3 potty's....K and I are always saying, "it's your turn!")
Other summer plans:
- HNI Conference in Cleveland ( pray business goes well without us)
- Kokomo for the 4th and I'm bringing my mom home with me....
- King's Island...that's where my dad will take my mom back......
- Tournament games for Z
- Rach, Zach and Jordy's Birthdays (King's Island trip is their present)
- Boating and Camping weekends ARE planned
- VBS...1st of August
- Most importantly....GET THE POOL UP and RUNNING!
Sorry to family and friends for being slow to blog......we are enjoying summer and it seems I can hardly sit down long enough to update! Hope you are all having a great summer!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Pop-up campers & Softball games
The girls have been enjoying the Softball season so far....although we have gotten caught in the rain quite a few times recently.....making a run for the shelter of trees and the van.
Rachel hit her first coach-pitched ball, instead of off the tee, as you watch the video you will see that she was surprised too and we were yelling, "RUN, RUN".....we have 2 games tonight (Fri), 2 games tomorrow (Sat) and one late game Sunday! Zach has lost his last 2 games, but he has hit a double, a few singles and made some great catches and plays during those games despite still wearing a splint.
The main office computer crashed on us......so lots of chaos for the business that we are still trying to get in order. We had a good week of "water fun" on a neighbor's HUGE waterslide, a trip to the library, and cheerleading camp for Rach and Jord and of course lots of playing in the pop-up camper. We did manage to get in 2 days of school as well.
Have a good weekend,
Enjoy the videos!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
A week off?

Saturday, May 16, 2009
I just have a few updates:
- Kevin is now the Children's & Youth Pastor @ Redeemer's Church Westerville
- He is doing the message this Sunday so as you can imagine he's studying hard
- We are adding Cleveland territory to the business this week with 2 appraisers
- Looking forward to a Memorial Day visit with my mom & dad.....my dad has a door & flower boxes to add to the playhouse. We love to have them here ~ they are a great Nana & Pappy!
- I have lost my momentum with school ~ need to get back on the ball. Just hasn't been the same since our RV trip.
Realizing once again how truly blessed I am to have a husband that loves me and always wants to be with me, kids that love the Lord and are healthy, smart and talented (even if it is a comedy act!) family that supports us and loves to spend time with us and the kids, friends that are amazing(they may all move away but they are still amazing), a house that we fit in, barely but we fit, 2 vehicles that work ~ most of the time but they get us where we need to go. A business that keeps growing and a church that has welcomed us in to their family where we can serve. May I always remember the joy that the Lord has brought to my life.... Just feeling blessed today!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Baseball Fever
We stopped @ Subway, brought chips and drinks and headed to the ballfield. Z did a great job considering he hasn't really had any batting practice.....he wore his splint tonight. He says it's a little uncomfortable to hold the bat, but he is in no pain while swinging or throwing. He made some really nice infield plays and hit a single, walked a couple times and then hit a grounder to 2nd where the runner was tagged out and the inning was over.
The girl's softball games start next week....this is when we have something happening every night of the week! Rachel's first year, so her games will be the long ones for us, but still so fun to watch them play. Crazy, I know to run my family around this way, but we look forward to baseball season every year.
I also need to mention that Rach scored a goal @ her soccer game on Saturday. This girl has gone from night to day as far as soccer is concerned. Last year she really didn't care about where the ball was or that she should even try to kick it. One time the ball rolled right up to her feet and she moved to the side and motioned for one of her teammates to come and kick the ball instead.....complete change this year. We have had so much fun watching her!
Now just in case you are wondering.....we do not make our kids play any sport....it is always a choice for them. At this point we have time and $$ for about 2 sports/year & this is what they chose:
Z : Basketball & Baseball
J : Basketball & Softball
R: Soccer & Softball
A: Thank the Lord she isn't old enough yet to play any, although she is always asking, "Is it my pwactice now?"
Well, it's late and tomorrow is a busy day getting ready for our homeschool's Academic Fair....we still have poster's to finish. Just wanted to let all of you know that Baseball season has officially started @ the Brown house.
Oh yeah....Z's team won 13 - 4! Go Mudcats!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Cast Away
We've been experimenting with dry ice the past couple of days......fun & smokey. Academics Fair for the homeschool group is next week and Zach is working with his buddy Sam on CO2 experiments! We'll have to take pictures of the giant CO2 bubbles!
Lots to do this weekend.....softball practice & church gathering tonight - tomorrow soccer game, softball practice & baseball practice. Our plan is to buy mulch and flowers and also get some yardwork done.
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Spelling Bees, Funerals, Baseball & Awards
We made our way to the Library ( in the rain ~ with no umbrellas) to check out books to start working on our projects for the Academics Fair next week. Zach is working w/a friend on a Science experiment (they have thoughts of "dry ice" but I'm not sure about that). He is also putting together a Ronald Reagan posterboard since he had chosen him for a biography book report earlier this year. Jord has chosen Thomas Jefferson. Rachel has chosen "The Jungle" and Abby has chosen "Farm Animals w/an emphasis on horses." I've started Rachel's posterboard with painting palm tress and vines......still lots to work on for next week.
Other stuff:
- A neighbor of Kevin's mom and dad have lost their son, probably in his late 40's/early 50's. Kevin grew up playing with him and his siblings. They have asked Kevin to do the funeral, so he is busy trying to put together a message of comfort for this family.
- Baseball and Softball practices are in full swing now. Zach on Mon/Sat. Rach on Wed. and Jord on Fri. (Rach still has soccer practice on Thurs)
- Jord and Rach received AWANA awards on Mon night for finishing their books this year.
- Zach gets his cast off tomorrow
- My best neighbors ~ the Worleys ~ are moving to Memphis. Feeling sorry for myself as I lose another friend here on Kellerman Ct. Happy for them as they move on to a better job!
Have a blessed week!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
More RV Pics
Relaxing on the Hutsell's deck
Loving on my friend ~ I miss her!
The girls hanging out in the RV