I cannot believe that it is December already....where has this year gone. My time recently has been taken up with MWAS, UACH, RCW & Homeschooling the kids (MWAS-our bread & butter, UACH-homeschool group on which I am a Leadership Team member and RCW-our church in which K's the Childrens/Youth Pastor and I serve in alot of areas). I'm thinking.....I'm way too busy....not sure what I'm gonna do about it but anyways.....
September brought friends to us, sickness to us and a much needed get away for Kevin and I. November brought a lengthy virus for my hubby- in which I took the liberty to find a few more appraisers to help with the workload. We now have 7 appraisers that work for MWAS and we do appraisals in Columbus, Cincinnati, Cleveland and Dayton ~ and we are still looking to hire on more. We are thankful for the extra good hands that the Lord has provided to help us with this overflow of orders~ He is Our Provider!
November also took us to Kokomo for Thanksgiving. Seeing lots of family on my mom's side where my kids have 3 great-grandparents! Shopped all day Friday with my mom~ a day I look forward to all year ~ My mom and shopping~ It's really a perfect day (except for the getting up at 3:30am). Thankfully we were able to fit all my new Christmas treasures in the van to bring home...it was tight, but we did it!
December now brings us into the Christmas mode around here. The tree, decorations and lights are up. The temperatures have finally started dropping. Christmas music is being played on the I-pods, MP3's and radio's. Pictures are being taken so that cards can be ordered. Lines and songs are being memorized for a church Christmas Play (A King is Coming to Town). Parties, get togethers and singing in the nursing home, as well as gifts for the homeless are all events on the calendar.
Zach recently wrote an article for the Homeschool newsletter about ways to keep Christ in Christmas. His number one way to keep Christ in Christmas was to invite Jesus into our everyday lives and purposely find ways to show His love to others. This Christmas I am committing to do just this ~ ON PURPOSE!
We are also excited to start
"Adorenaments" by FamilyLife. We are going to spread it out over the 12 days leading up to Christmas Day.
Looking forward to sharing His love on purpose ~ slowing down just a bit to celebrate and adore Christ the Lord!