Spring brings such a desire to clean and wipe away the dust and dirt of winter. The bare trees are now full of bright green color and the birds who were so quiet are now sometimes so loud that we stop what we are doing to watch them build their nests as they sing. They are such happy workers. We are trying to take the same approach and be happy, singing workers around here as we clean, sort, organize and do school.
My parents were here this past weekend and enjoyed our time with them. Nana and I took the girls to lunch at Taco Bell and shopping.....Old Navy, Kohl's & Meijer........how fun! The boys also went out to get food for a cookout. In the 2 hours they were gone they made a stop at Tim Horton's for donuts and then before heading home they stopped at Skyline for some coney's. We all went to Skyline one more time the next day before Nana and Pappy headed home.
We started some of our cleaning out of closets and changing over the clothes a few weeks ago and it has been a slow process. It is now time to pick up the pace as we may have company coming the first of May. Our dear friends, the Hutsells, may be coming back our way to stay with us for a while. Just the motivation I need to get the spring cleaning and organizing accomplished. I have started in the basement.....it is such a catch-all all year long for everything....clothes, coats, toys, seasonal decorations, games, shoes, homeschool supplies, MWAS files, books, keepsakes and the list goes on and on......I go through basement every spring and the organization falls apart as the year goes. It's my own fault......I gather things from upstairs and then tell the kids, "take this downstairs and just sit in the back room or put it along the wall somewhere......" Not sure if I will ever be totally organized for much longer than a few weeks!
Our co-ops Academics Fair is next week and the kids are busy writing reports and working on display boards. Zach is doing a Biography report on Walt Disney, Jordan is doing Dolphins, Rachel - insects and Abby is doing a report on the 4 seasons. I'll post pictures of the final reports next week.
Better get off here and get back to my cleaning and organizing......