Thursday, July 3, 2008

My first blog

It seems all my friends are doing it, so finally I have taken the plunge and joined this group of bloggers. My intent is to let family and friends know what is going on in our lives. Being a homeschool family, we experience alot together.
Right now my two oldest children, Zach and Jordan are in Washington, D.C. with my parents and a few others from their church in Indiana. They left on Monday and will be back Saturday. So far they have visited the Capitol Building, Ford's Theatre, Arlington National Cememtary and Union Station. They are tired from all the walking, but the excitement has kept them going.
Kevin and I have been trying to show a good time to Rachel and Abby. We have taken them out to lunch, made playdates for them, taken them to see the Butterfly exhibit and the Franklin Park Conservatory and we are planning to go see a movie today and fireworks tomorrow. We are enjoying them, but I am missing the interaction with the older two. I'm looking forward to hearing from them today to see what they are going to do, is it too early to call yet?

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