We had a wonderful time visiting with Great Lakes Church in Duluth, MN. The congregation has such a passion and excitement for serving the Lord. The praise and worship was wonderful - you could definately sense the presence of the Lord as the church sang, "There's no God like Jehovah!" Kevin delivered a great message and then began to pray for specific needs as he felt the Lord was leading. At the end of the service the pastor gave oppportunity for testimonies and people shared of how they had received healings - even restored hearing in a deaf ear! I wish I had more time to write - I could share so much! The hospitality was excellent, the house we stayed at was beautiful and it had a wonderful view of Lake Superior. Thanks to Phil and Kathy for treating us so special while were there!
We are continuing to pray for God's guidance on this one!
The girls had a wonderful time with my mom and dad. It was nice for them to have the younger two. I guess Rach really took on the "Big Sis" role. She can never do that when Jord is around! Rach has already asked me when would be the next time that they could stay there without the rest of us!
In other news, we found another praying mantis yesterday! We gave it away to another family in our homeschool group so that they could watch this interesting insect devour other insects! We are also gearing up around here for Election Night. At this time, we are planning a "party" (immediate family only). I took a book with us on the trip about the whole Election Process, the job of a President and different aspects of the government. Zach, Jord and I made it through the book on the never-ending roads of Wisconsin. We are now prepared to track the Electoral College on Election night to see who will become the next president! We plan to order pizza, stay up late and take the day off school on Wed.
Do you think we will know who the next Pres. is by Wed? I have this feeling that there will be alot of voting issues that will hold up the results.
This Friday night our church is having "Family Fun Nite". So, if you live around here we would love for you to come. Candy, games, crafts & prizes! No cost! We hope to see you there!
Homeschool group is tomorrow morning and Friday afternoon our group meets at Sports Ohio for indoor games and blow-ups!
I pray you all are having a wonderful week,