Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Changing over the Closets

Well, it's October 1st and it's chilly here. I just barely had the windows cracked today and the girls have been complaining of cold feet all day. We will have to get in the habit of wearing socks again. Today has been putting the flip-flops away, getting out the jackets and changing over to fall/winter clothes. Alot of trying things on around here today - in between school. Somehow we still managed to get almost all schoolwork done - and Jordan started division today!
My upstairs hallway is lined with clothes - what of Jord's goes to Rach and what of Rach's goes to Abby and what will not fit Abby - as well as the summer piles that need to be stored and Abby's that are too small and can be gotten rid of. I will not get to Zach until the weekend probably. It takes the girls a long time to try things on and they have to go look at everything in the mirror! The washer has been going all day - it started with my bedding (because some little 2 yr. old likes to play with the toothpaste and squirted it out on my bed) along with all the pants and shirts we are pulling out from totes in the basement.
I think it is supposed to get back up into the mid-70's the first of next week and we will be digging for a pair of shorts!
Happy Fall!

1 comment:

mhutsell said...

Ahh yes, the changing of the tubs of never ends. I won't need to do that just yet but it is coming. For Grant I mainly just have to go shopping because there are no hand me downs. But for everyone is a big job! I hope I don't have to buy too much! It is cool here today but not as cool as will be 75 today! Love it. Have my windows open already and it is actually cold in here. My kids will start complaining soon but I love it! Love, M.