This week we have had our first snow! We were in the basement digging out boots and trying them on, gloves, hats and scarfs too. Somehow every year we need new things and we can never find matching gloves - we had them last year, but in storage one glove had disappeared. We've had AWANA, had friends over for dinner, signed up for basketball (Zach & Jord), made plans to look at a refridgerator for our rental, sold things on Craigslist, cleaned out toy bins and closets, cleaned the bunny cage and kept up with school - it's only Wed!
Zach and Jord have been going out every day at lunch to practice basketball, they just came in and their whole faces are red from the cold outside!
Jord just got her own e-mail address , so she has been sending me e-mails everyday and this is one that I received the other day -
Hi MOM you know I would like to do some things with you .And thanks for talking with me last night I LOVE talking about GOD MOM I LIKE YOU . YOU HAVE done a lot of GOOD THINGS for us Kids And OUR FAMILY and that helps us to BE BETTER AT LISING AND BEGAN GROWING AnD SOON YOU,ll BE SEEing us BEING AGOOD AND WONDERFUL CHRISTRAIN PERSON LIKE YOU two AND IT WILL BE BECAUSE of YOU AND DAD AND I FEEL like youtwo are making us a better PERSON.your dooen aGOOD JOB . your doing a GOOD job of being a parent .AND SHOW this to dad. I LOVE YOU MOM. YOUR THE ONLY MOM THAT would BE GOOD FOR ME you JUST RAISE ME UP SO GOOD THAT I WOULD NEVER ASK FOR ANOTHER person. THANKS MOM FOR EVERYTHING . LOVE JORDAN.
It makes me cry every time I read it - I'm glad to know that she would never request another person to take my place as mom. As far as she if concerned her dad and I are doing a great job of raising them and she loves the Lord and knows that she will serve Him all of her days!
Precious huh? Giving her an e-mail address has gotten her creative writing juices flowing.
We're in Texas, y'all!
8 years ago
That's precious! You better print that off and save it forever.
Oh my word...I am sitting here with tears in my eyes. How special. I love the way a little girl can connect with her heart so well. She is so right on target too! Way to go Jordy Taylor Brown! And way to go Stace for your productive week! Love you, M.
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