Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Finally Christmas Break - or is it?

We are officially finished with school for the year .....except.... Zach has a history research report due the first week back in January that we haven't worked on much.... and Jord needs to do some flashcards often or I'm afraid we will be relearning multiplication tables and division facts.
Rach is doing well with reading 2 and 3 letter words, but we will need to keep her practicing over the break! Other than that.... we are on a school break!
Today we kept our neighbor friend Aidan while his mom took an exam for nursing! Then this afternoon we kept Crystal and Jasmine for a few hours - (their baby brother Samuel is in the hospital after he was born with a diaphragmic hernia last week). We made brownies and a Christmas lapbook!
So, in the last week my husband has purchased a bass guitar and now a drum set. Both of which he found on Craigslist. My evening has been filled with lots of drumming!!!!!
Maybe someday we will put together 'The Brown Family Band' - who knows!
But for now the Brown house if filled with lots of drumming, singing & bassing (is that a word?)
If you need peace and quiet, don't come by my house for awhile! Maybe I'll come to your house!


mhutsell said...

OK...our husbands are way too much alike. Of course we already own the drums. But K just bought a bass guitar last week from a guy at work. That is weird. So, don't come to my house for quiet either. It ain't happening!

Beck Family said...

Don't come to my house for quiet either,Natalie has a new harmoMica that she plays her version of Jingle Bells on frequently, Joseph is getting a drum set for Christmas and Brianna has been singing every night practicing for a solo for the choir musical dinner show. So funny all at different parts of the U.S. but it all sounds the same. Love you!!