First here are some pics of a stick bug we found and our tomatos that are growing like crazy beside our house. The girls and I usually eat them as soon as they are picked.
We also went to a neighbors to enjoy their Bonzai Waterslide on Sunday! It's great to have neighbors with a waterslide!
Ok, on to the first day of school! It went well, we were all a little slow at first, but right after breakfast we started playing some praise music, the kids started dancing around and then the whole family came together for prayer. The girls and I headed to the basement to get started. Abby was content - today at least - to color, cut and paste. Rachel learned about vowels today and we started with the letter "i" and talked about it's short sound. At lunch she was telling Kevin about what she had learned and that she could make a capital "I" and a small "i" and Abby perked up and said I have "dis eye and dat eye too "as she began to blink and point at her eyes. We all laughed and laughed! Jord had an easy day with review of Math and Language - it was all too easy for her today! Zach met his new (DVD) teachers today and is already missing a couple of the ones he had last year, but was happy to see the return of one familiar face. His day was also easy with a lot of review! It will get harder - so I will enjoy the easy days now! I think everyone enjoyed being back into a schedule and routine.
After dinner we went for a walk - well, I was the only one walking. Zach rode his ripstick, Jord rode her electric scooter, Rach rode her bike and I pushed Abby in the stroller. (Kev stayed home to study - Big Test on Thurs) We saw alot of neighbors out tonight, all the kids are excited about starting school tomorrow - even though my kids do not go to public schoool and ride the bus, we enjoy watching all the other kids walk down the street to the bus stop and get on the bus! There will a few new ones to watch this year.
Lord, bless this new school year for everyone and be with all those moms who are putting their babies on the bus for the first time!
1 comment:
Great to hear you had such a great first day of school. I love the pics of the kids in the waterslide!! Good Luck on your test tomorrow Kevin.
Love you, Chelle
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