13 years! Today is our 13th anniversary. It seems to have sneaked up on us both and of course, the day is filled with work, errands, chores and school. As we were all getting dressed and making our beds Kevin found me helping Rach and Abby and surprised me with a necklace. A very different and unique necklace. The center of the necklace holds a widow's mite. The mite represents the faith of the widow. Even though the world stood by and judged her for what she gave, she was not ashamed to give it all and trust God to meet her needs. The necklace is beautiful and all the girls are now wanting one too! What did Kevin get himself into?
I am planning a date on Friday night. My mom sent us a gift card and I've arranged sitters for the kids. I have nothing to give him today - well, I did clean our bathroom this morning and he requested Meatloaf and potatos for dinner if that counts!
It has been great to be married to this man for the past 13 years. We have been through things we would have never thought could have happened when we first started out together. We had this perfect plan of what our future would be - It was something like 2 kids, a house with some acreage, and a big church with lots of outreaches. The reality is - 4 kids, a house that is worth less than we paid for it and no church. One thing has remained constant - our love for the Lord and each other in whatever situation we are in. Yes, we have been disappointed in circumstances, but the joy that we have in our family and friends that have touched our lives outweigh the disappointment. Kevin has remained the foundation for this family. He has had to work day and night, giving up alot of to keep this family going. I love the man he is - He loves the Lord and has a hunger to be used by Him, he works hard to provide, he enjoys having fun with kids and reading the Bible to them, he is a wonderful father. And of course, he loves me - I have never doubted that he loves me! How I thank God for blessing me with such a wonderful husband. I am excited to spend the rest of my life with him and watch our lives continue to unfold as we raise our kids and serve the Lord.
I need to dry my tears and get on with school - I just needed to share about this special day!
I love you Kevin!
We're in Texas, y'all!
8 years ago
Ahh..dry my tears too. He is a good good man. I really like Kevin and think so much of him. I have a lot of respect for him. And Of course I have a TON of love for you so I am so happy that this has been a great 13 years. Love the idea of the necklace. Congrats you two! Love,M.
Stacy - happy anniversary! You share one with my parents (41 years) and one of my best friends. It must be a popular day to get married...
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