Monday, October 6, 2008

Our First Commercial

The Brown kids have made their first commercial for Redeemer's Church Westerville. The commercial is promoting their Family Fun Night (alternative to Halloween). Just thought you all would get a kick out of seeing it. For those of you that live close - you are all welcome to come!
(view the clip at the bottom of the post)

We had a great weekend - a movie night, a grocery run, a birthday party, a Buckeye game, church and another birthday party. Tonight is AWANA. A few of us moms on the street are taking turns keeping the little ones while the older ones are at AWANA. Last Monday was our turn, so Abby will go to a neighbors while the others are at AWANA. I almost don't know what to do with my hour and a 1/2. Cleaning or running errands I guess!

Today we are taking a Science and History Day! Zach has a Tree Project that the rest of his classmates finished last week, so he is working hard to finish his display board and gather all of his samples and facts about "Elm Trees". Jord just needs to catch up and make sure that knows her early American History facts - especially about Jamestown. She is taking a Human Body class at our homeschool group that is what her first unit in Science is all about so I just need to sit down with her and make sure that she is understanding it all! Rachel is also doing Human Body with the homeschool group so she will sit in on my time with Jord. She is also sitting here beside me now asking me how to spell words - she is trying her best to sound them out.
We are also doing some chores - cleaning bunny cage, basement clean-up and still continuing to clean up the closet mess from last week. We'll see just how much we get done today. It's easy to make a list, but getting everything crossed off is the hard part.

Enjoy the Clip!


Beck Family said...

How cute!!! That is awesome Stace, you are so creative!! Just one question though...I could hear your voice and see you talking with your hands but where was your lovely face???? Ha Ha just teasing. Great Job!!
Just and FYI- Chris will drop off some clothes for Abby tomorrow between 4:00-5:00.Love ya,Chelle

Jamie Pfahler said...

That was awesome. Tell the kids that they all did a wonderful job. They are too cute!

mhutsell said...

Way to go drama family! They all did so well! Love you all! M.