Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Let's Vote!

The kids and poll workers!

Our neighbor called to say that there was not a line at our polling location so Kevin immediately headed out to vote and then he headed out to do inspections. Kev called and said that there was still no line, so I got the kids ready and we all headed out to vote - still no line! Abby kept asking to see the "boat" - she thought that was where we were going. I tried and tried to explain that we were saying "vote", but she was still asking when we were going to see the "boat" even at dinnertime.
I am taking a break from our "exciting" Election Night Party to blog - we have had pizza, cake and we are filling in our maps - right now it is McCain (69) Obama (103). The girls have made lots of pictures and signs to put up around the house.
Well, back to the party.

1 comment:

Beck Family said...

I love it. Party sounds like so much fun. Nice to have family around on election night.